"...conversations at the intersection of business, art, technology, and a great life..."

How do we heal medicine?
– Dr. Atul Gawande

From TED.com Our medical systems are broken. Doctors are capable of extraordinary (and expensive) treatments, but they are losing their core focus: actually treating people. Doctor and writer Atul Gawande suggests we take a step back and look at new ways to do medicine — with fewer cowboys and more pit crews. Surgeon by day and […]

The Tipping Point
– Malcolm Gladwell

The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. Just as a single sick person can start an epidemic of the flu, so too can a small but precisely targeted push cause a fashion trend, the popularity of a new product, or […]

First, Break all the Rules
– Marcus Buckingham

First, Break All the Rules, subtitled What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently (1999), is a book authored by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, who offer solutions to better employee satisfaction with the help of examples of how the best managers handle employees. The book appeared on the New York Times bestseller list for 93 weeks. Business authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman discuss the fallacies of standard management thinking and […]

The Art Of The Start
– Guy Kawasaki

The Art of the Start is a popular 2004 business book written by Guy Kawasaki. It focuses on entrepreneurship and key points about starting a business, bootstrapping, and pitching new ideas to potential investors. Kawasaki opens by listing the five most important things an entrepreneur must accomplish: Make Meaning: How will you make the world a better place? Make Mantra. […]

The E-Myth Revisited
– Michael E. Gerber

Never before have so many people entertained the idea of starting their own business. If this applies to you, before you take the leap, read this book. The E-Myth came out in 1985 and became an underground bestseller, with over a million copies sold. The initial edition became quite hard to get, but luckily Gerber brought […]

Embrace the remix
– Kirby Ferguson”

From TED.com Nothing is original, says Kirby Ferguson, creator of Everything is a Remix. From Bob Dylan to Steve Jobs, he says our most celebrated creators borrow, steal and transform. Kirby Ferguson explores creativity in a world where “everything is a remix.” Why you should listen What’s a remix? In Kirby Ferguson’s view, any piece of […]

There are no mistakes on the bandstand
– Stefon Harris

From TED.com What is a mistake? By talking through examples with his improvisational Jazz quartet, Stefon Harris walks us to a profound truth: many actions are perceived as mistakes only because we don’t react to them appropriately. Stefon Harris plays the vibraphone — and leads a jazz ensemble with a collaborative sound built on collective inspiration. […]

Dance vs. powerpoint, a modest proposal – John Bohannon + Black Label Movement”

From TED.com Use dancers instead of powerpoint. That’s science writer John Bohannon’s “modest proposal.” In this spellbinding choreographed talk he makes his case by example, aided by dancers from Black Label Movement. (Filmed at TEDxBrussels.) John Bohannon is a scientist and writer who runs the annual Dance Your Ph.D. contest. Black Label Movement is an explosively […]

When ideas have sex
– Matt Ridley

From TED.com At TEDGlobal 2010, author Matt Ridley shows how, throughout history, the engine of human progress has been the meeting and mating of ideas to make new ideas. It’s not important how clever individuals are, he says; what really matters is how smart the collective brain is. Matt Ridley argues that, through history, the engine […]

Tales of creativity and play
– Tim Brown

From TED.com At the 2008 Serious Play conference, designer Tim Brown talks about the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play — with many examples you can try at home (and one that maybe you shouldn’t). Tim Brown is the CEO of the “innovation and design” firm IDEO — taking an approach to design that digs deeper […]

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