Why you will fail to have a great career Professor Larry Smith @ TEDxUW A professor of economics at the University of Waterloo in Canada, Larry Smith coaches his students to find the careers that they will truly love. Why you should listen Larry Smith is a professor of economics at University of Waterloo. A […]
Why you will fail to have a great career
– Larry Smith
People Skills – Robert Bolton
“People Skills” is a communication-skills handbook that can help you eliminate these and other communication problems. Author Robert Bolton describes the twelve most common communication barriers, showing how these “roadblocks” damage relationships by increasing defensiveness, aggressiveness, and dependency. He explains how to acquire the ability to listen, assert yourself, resolve conflicts, and work out problems […]
How to Talk to Anyone
– Leil Lowndes
“When you act as though you like someone, you start to really like them.” What is that magic quality that makes some people instantly loved and respected? Everyone wants to be their friend (or, if single, their lover!). In business, they rise swiftly to the top of the corporate ladder. What is their “Midas touch? […]
The Rise of the Creative Class
– Richard Florida

“Cities have realized that they can attract educated people and they don’t need good schools to do it.” The Creative Class is a posited socioeconomic class identified by American economist and social scientist Richard Florida, a professor and head of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. According to Florida, the Creative Class are a […]
Growing a Business – Paul Hawken

“Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.” Paul Hawken (born February 8, 1946, California) is an environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author. Hawken has written seven books. His 1975 The Magic of Find horn popularized the community of Find horn, an ecological spiritual center in Scotland. […]
Built to Last:
Habits of Visionary Companies
– Jim Collins

Drawing upon a six-year research project at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras took eighteen truly exceptional and long-lasting companies and studied each in direct comparison to one of its top competitors. They examined the companies from their very beginnings to the present day — as […]
Tribal leadership
– David Logan

From TED.com David Logan talks about the five kinds of tribes that humans naturally form — in schools, workplaces, even the driver’s license bureau. By understanding our shared tribal tendencies, we can help lead each other to become better individuals. And it’s within these tribes that all of our work gets done. But not just work. It’s […]
How to Learn Anything… Fast
– Josh Kaufman

“You can’t make positive discoveries that make your life better if you never try anything new.” Josh Kaufman is the author of two international bestsellers, The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business and The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything… Fast!, and is one of the top 100 business authors in the world, as ranked by […]
The Creative Habit
– Twyla Tharp

One of the world’s leading creative artists, choreographers, and creator of the smash-hit Broadway show, Movin’ Out, shares her secrets for developing and honing your creative talents—at once prescriptive and inspirational, a book to stand alongside The Artist’s Way and Bird by Bird. [From: Amazon.com] Many people in the information economy are creative workers. Writers. Programmers. Photoshop wizards. Bloggers. […]
Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success
– Adam M. Grant

“highly successful people have three things in common: motivation, ability, and opportunity.” A New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller from Wharton’s top-rated professor. Named one of the best books of 2013 by Amazon, the Financial Times, and the Wall Street Journal– as well as one of Oprah’s riveting reads, Fortune‘s must-read business books, and the Washington Post‘s books every leader should read. For generations, we have focused […]